Why did OpenAI API return errors ?
For free services, we have implemented rate limits. Requests will be rejected once 5RPM (Requests/Minute), 20RPH(Requests/Hour) and 50RPD ( Requests/Day) thresholds are reached.
For our membership plans, we do not enforce any rate limits, which is suitable for users with higher requirements.
Your generous donation will help expand our capacity and improve additional features. However, if you can access without any problems, using the official service is the smarter decision, enabling us to assist more individuals in need!
Why do we have rate limits?
Rate limits are a common practice for APIs, and they’re put in place for a few different reasons:
- They help protect against abuse or misuse. For example, a malicious actor could flood them with requests in an attempt to overload it or cause disruptions in service. By setting rate limits, we can prevent this kind of activity.
- Rate limits help ensure that everyone has fair access to our services. If one user makes an excessive number of requests, it could bog down the services for everyone else. By throttling the number of requests that a single user can make, we ensure that the number of people have an opportunity to use our services without experiencing slowdowns.
- Rate limits can help us manage the aggregate load on its infrastructure. If requests increase dramatically, it could tax the servers and cause performance issues. By setting rate limits, we can help maintain a smooth and consistent experience for all users.